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4 perfis no Instagram sobre mulheres na ciência para seguir já

Conheça o trabalho de pesquisadoras do Brasil e do mundo no seu próprio feed.

Por Luiza Monteiro
31 Maio 2019, 18h51
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  •  (@thestemsquad/@astro_nicole/

    Quando você ouve a palavra “cientista”, o que vem à sua mente? Arriscamos dizer que é um homem, provavelmente branco, com jaleco, óculos e algum equipamento de laboratório.

    Dá para entender por quê. Um estudo divulgado em agosto de 2018 aponta que apenas 14% dos membros da Academia Brasileira de Ciências são mulheres. No resto do mundo, a realidade não é tão diferente: menos de 30% dos pesquisadores de STEM (ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática, na sigla em inglês) ao redor do globo são do sexo feminino, segundo a Unesco.

    Bom, apesar de ainda serem minoria, as mulheres cientistas precisam ser reconhecidas. Por isso, selecionamos alguns perfis no Instagram que divulgam o trabalho de estudiosas brasileiras e gringas.

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    1. @nina.draws.scientists

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    How can a scalable quantum computer be built? . Of the different techniques, Dr Natalia Ares from @oxford_uni explores a silicon technique . Here a silicon nitride membrane, which has been given the moniker ‘silicon nitride drum’, could act as the memory within the system . Dr Ares and her group were recently able to characterise the silicon drum at room temperatures, eliminating the need for cryogenic freezing . Whichever technique prevails, it is crucial to understand in which conditions the materials retain their special quantum properties, another area which Dr Ares’ research focuses on . Understanding the finer details truly has big implications . . . #quantumphysics #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #physics #research #researcher #phd #oxforduniversity #stem #science #physicist #scientist #art #illustration #gouache #painting #portrait

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    “Ilustradora de cientistas incríveis (que por coincidência são mulheres)”, essa é a bio da artista Nina. Na página, ela posta ilustrações digitais de astronautas, engenheiras, cientistas da computação e estudiosas e outras áreas de vários países. É um desenho mais lindo que o outro!

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    ✨CAILEEN BRISON✨ . 🎉 @becky.outside and @susannalharris you both rock for recommending @caimarison . 💃🏼There’s a number of themes Brison could have been featured in, being a Chemistry PhD candidate, educator, keen dancer, and feminist. However today we’re exploring Brison’s job as an Enologist in the Santa Cruz mountains, California . 📒Brison nurtured her interest in wine when visiting wine bars. She would write in her notebook about the wines she drank and eventually built up a repertoire of wines. This knowledge in crucial for Brison’s present day role as an Enologist . 🔎Enologists are responsible for elucidating the characteristics of the wine during every step of the process, starting from the grape. The science discovered by Enologists ultimately helps Winemakers navigate production . 🧗🏼‍♀️Scaling and moving wines barrels make enology a physical job, and with hands stained purple by the end of the day, a messy one too. Brison has documented the death of her jeans whilst crushed between barrels . 🍷With a meagre 10% of lead winemakers as women in California (2012), the industry has yet to achieve parity. Brison is honest about the resultant ugly challenges and discrimination faced . 🗝However as consumers, we can pressure wineries to ensure equality, and it starts by buying wine made by women (see Brison’s latest post) . ⭐️There are three fantastic resources by Brison if you are interested in finding out more about wine: ⭐️Evening of enology via @thescicommunity ⭐️Podcast discussing the basics of wine and tips on good value wines via @caimarison ⭐️The @fieldblendproject . 🙏🏼Lastly a huge thank you to @caimarison who gave up time to send through resources and ideas . . . #womeninwine #ladiesinwine #enology #enologist #wine #winemaker #femalewinemaker #womensupportingwomen #empoweringwomen #gouache #illustration #womeninstem #womeninscience #science #womenwhodraw #womenwithpencils #artist #art #artistsoninstagram

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    “Meu trabalho celebra tanto cientistas do presente quanto do passado e suas conquistas. Quero destacar a diversidade de pessoas e carreiras na ciência”, diz Nina em seu site. “Uma coisa que aprendi é que não existem duas cientistas iguais, porém elas estão todas unidas pela curiosidade implacável pelo mundo”, relata.


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    Marian Ackun-Farmmer (@ackun_amatata) is a fourth year biomedical engineering PhD student at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York. She focuses on designing bone-targeting nanoparticles to improve acute myeloid leukemia (a cancer of blood and bone marrow) chemotherapy treatments. Her designs could be used to direct chemotherapy specifically to the affected bone marrow so that the negative side effects associated with chemotherapy can be reduced. She is seen in the photos filtering nanoparticles before characterization, prepping an analytical scale in the lab, changing solvent bottles on an instrument, and smiling by the hood! Outside of the lab, Marian is passionate about mentoring and promoting diversity in STEM. . . . #womendoingscience #scicomm #research #bme #biomedicalengineering #aml #chemotherapy #cancerresearch #womaninSTEM #womeninSTEM #BlackAndSTEM #blackwomeninstem #diversityinstem @urochester

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    Com quase 50 mil seguidores, esse IG posta a cada dia uma cientista diferente. As legendas são todas em dois idiomas: inglês e a língua materna da profissional apresentada. E elas são de várias áreas: geologia, medicina, neurociência, biologia e inclusive de ciências humanas – sociologia e antropologia, por exemplo. Bem girl power!

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    @the_wandering_archaeologist is a PhD student in Archaeology at the University of Oxford, with a specialisation in osteoarchaeology. Based in the Basque Country (Northern Spain), Emma carries out analysis of human skeletal remains to examine patterns of health, disease, diet and migration in the past. Her doctoral research focuses on mapping and analyzing the funerary landscapes of northern Iberia through the use of spatial technologies. She hopes to understand migration and the development of protohistoric identities in the region from the Iron age to the early medieval period. In the summer, Emma also directs excavations of a medieval ossuary (a large depository of human bones, in this case spanning a 1000 year period) in Navarre and runs an international field program for students of anthropology and archaeology to gain practical experience in the exhumation of human remains. . @the_wandering_archaeologist está haciendo su doctorado en Arqueología con una especialización en osteoarqueología en la Universidad de Oxford. Trabaja en el País Vasco, donde analiza restos oseos humanos investigando las enfermedades, dieta y migración de las gentes del pasado. Su trabajo doctoral está enfocado a la digitalización y análisis de los paisajes funerarios del norte de la Peninsula Ibérica mediante el uso de tecnologías espaciales. Con su trabajo, Emma busca entender la migración y el desarollo desde las identidades protohistóricas de la Edad de Hierro hasta los principios de la Edad Media. Durante el verano Emma dirige excavaciónes arqueológicas en un osario medieval en Navarra y es responsable de un programa internacional de arqueología de campo para estudiantes de antropología y arqueología que les permite hacer practicas en la exhumación de restos humanos. . . . #womendoingscience #womendoinganthropology #anthropology #scicomm #research #humanskeleton #osteoarchaeology #ossuary @oxford_uni

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    3. @womenthinkscience

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    From:🇧🇷 Brazil . •Juliana Nádia Figueiredo: “Piauiense”, biomedical scientist from UNINOVAFAPI University, master's degree in (health in the Amazon by UFPA) and his research is about the socioepidemiological aspects and risk factors of hepatitis B in illicit drug users in the state of Amapá. Also is an administrator of the @metabiomedica • . . •Juliana Nádia Figueiredo: Piauiense, biomédica pelo centro universitário UNINOVAFAPI. mestranda em saúde na Amazônia pela UFPA e sua pesquisa é sobre os aspectos socioepidemiológicos e fatores de risco da hepatite B em usuários de drogas ilícitas do estado do Amapá. Também administra a página @metabiomedica •🇧🇷 . . #mulherescientistas #science #womenscience #female #phdstudentlife #vidadeestudante #ciência #lab #thinklikewoman #pesquisa #cientista #mulhercientistas #iniciaçãocientifica #phd #doutorado #mestrado #phdstudent #biomedicina #fisioterapia #odontologia #farmacia #nutriçao #biologia #psicologia #cosmetologia #estetica #sciencecommunication #togetherforscience #juntaspelaciência💪🏻👩🏼‍🔬

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    Esse é made in Brazil. O perfil divulga principalmente o trabalho de mulheres cientistas brasileiras. As postagens são todas em português e em inglês, e a ideia é mostrar o que essas pesquisadoras estão investigando em laboratórios de todo o país. Vale o follow.

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    From:🇧🇷 . •Andréia Silva: biomédica, especialista em análises clínicas e mestranda em Biologia Humana e Experimental na UERJ, Rio de Janeiro•🇧🇷 . •Andréia Silva: biomedical, specialist in clinical analysis and master's degree in Human and Experimental Biology at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro • 🌎 . . . #biomedicina #fisioterapia #odontologia #farmacia #nutriçao #biologia #psicologia #cosmetologia #estetica #mulherescientistas #science #womenscience #female #thinklikewoman #pesquisa #cientista #mulhercientistas #iniciaçãocientifica #phd #doutorado #mestrado #phdstudent #togetherforscience #juntaspelaciência💪🏻👩🏼‍🔬

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    4. @thestemsquad

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    Hello! @nouronal48 over here. I am so excited to be curating this week! I am currently a postdoctoral associate in Neuroscience at Yale. A little over a year ago I defended my thesis and graduated with a PhD in Pharmacology. During this week I hope to talk to you about the journey from student to postdoc, being a Muslim in science, a little about my science, and my mental health journey I am so excited for this week!

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    Esse IG reúne estudantes – a maioria mulheres – das áreas de ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática (que, em inglês, formam a sigla STEM). A ideia é ser uma rede de apoio e divulgar o trabalho de pesquisadores em diversos níveis da carreira.

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    📢📢📢TAKE OVER ALERT! • My name is Katherine and I am a neuroscience PhD candidate at Maastricht University in The Netherlands, and an assistant editor in Neuroethics Canada. • 👩🏼‍🔬I am currently investigating the epigenetic mechanisms underlying susceptibility to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using patient-derived neurons from a Dutch military cohort. Cool right? I am super excited to work on this project! • 🎙Throughout the years I have grown passionate about Neuroethics, a topic that I believe is under-appreciated. That is why I decided to create a podcast “Neuroethics Police” to raise awareness on the ethical and societal implications of neuroscience research and practices. • 👥I’ve been interviewing professors, ethicists, and students in the field. But my aim is to expand the show to non-specialist, members of society whose voice is as important and crucial, especially that we are now witnessing a neurotechnology revolution. • ⚖️I have so many plans and projects planned for the podcast but also for Neuroethics as a whole! And I am excited to share a few with you this week. • 🖐🏼I consider myself a Neuroethics advocate. And I plan to raise awareness and work towards a neuroethics-literate public. If you wish to spread the word and support this movement, you can purchase merchandise on Redbubble (link in bio @katherine.bassil). • 🌐The podcast is everywhere. Literarily. You can tune in on any podcast platform of your choosing! To stay updated, subscribe✅! If you like what you hear, leave a review✍🏼! If you believe it is important, share and spread the word🗣! • 🤝I am also looking for guests (specialists and non-specialists) so reach out, I’d love to hear from you! • 🗓This week I’ll be covering a myriad of topics: PhD talks, Neuroethics (of course!), Mental Health Awareness, Academic Rejection, Creating your own Opportunities, Women in STEM and much MORE! • ❗️You can learn more about me and my projects on my website and connect with me @katherine.bassil . • 🤔I will end this post with an open question to which I’d love to hear your responses: What does Neuroethics mean to you? • Stay curious! Stay critical! #stem

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    Muitas das minas estão no processo de se tornar PhDs e, no Instagram, compartilham suas rotinas e seus achados científicos – a cada semana, uma delas “domina” a página e mostra seu dia a dia. Vale a pena acompanhar.


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    #MulherCientista A Segunda Guerra Mundial representa – ainda que por um péssimo motivo – uma virada histórica importante para as mulheres. Com os homens morrendo no campo de batalha, elas precisaram ocupar cargos na indústria, na ciência e na tecnologia que antes eram inacessíveis por discriminação de gênero. Gertrude Elion nasceu em 1918 e perdeu o avô para um câncer na adolescência. Cursou Química na Universidade de Nova York com o intuito de se dedicar a pesquisa de tratamentos contra os tumores, mas não conseguiu emprego na área. O jogo virou com a eclosão do conflito. Em meados da década de 1940, ela foi contratada pelo laboratório que daria origem, posteriormente, à GlaxoSmithKline. Em parceria com seu supervisor, George Hitchings, a jovem farmacêutica começou a criar remédios levando em consideração as substâncias anômalas que encontrava ao analisar células cancerígenas mortas – um método mais eficaz que a simples tentativa e erro. Elion realizou o desejo que deu o pontapé inicial na sua carreira – e criou um importante remédio no combate à leucemia infantil. Mas sua maior contribuição foi outra: desenvolver um tratamento que impedia a rejeição de rins quando o transplante era feito por um doador sem parentesco com o paciente. Ela ganhou o Prêmio Nobel de Medicina ou Fisiologia em 1988.

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    Embora o Insta da SUPER não seja só sobre mulheres na ciência, toda semana temos um post sobre uma mulher cientista. Contamos a história e as descobertas de pesquisadoras importantes da história – e que, não raro, pouca gente conhece. Segue a gente (e a hashtag #MulherCientista) por lá!



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